
brevi note intorno a musica melodica

giovedì, aprile 11, 2002

C'è qualcosa di magico nei film, è come se aspettassi un segno a ogni battuta... una frase memorabile, una sensazione. La musica fa la stessa cosa e dura meno.

martedì, aprile 09, 2002

Post tratto da Fastidis message board.

" ... Al Garibaldi non si è verificata nessuna tragedia anzi... io ne esco arricchito e volevo ringraziare per questo
i Minnie's ed i k.c. Milian che, nei loro rispettivi ambiti musicali, si sono confermate bands all'altezza di supportare una grande band come i Reiziger..."

love'n'rock lake

Britt è una ragazza che tiene un diario su
Se fai un giro in rete c'è n'è un sacco!

La cosa, confesso, mi affascina alquanto e dopo aver letto i "journals" di un paio di persone ho scelto lei... una frase per tutte...
I've offically decided I'm staying home tonight, because I have no desire to watch Gainesville sing along to Grade,
or see Catch 22 in post glorydays. I miss old Catch 22, so very very much...

questa ragazza ha classe.

Ho scritto a Britt, senza alcuna speranza di risposta, le ho scritto parlandole di me e di quello che pensavo del suo Blog.
Dopo qualche giorno ecco la sua risposta, direttamente sul suo blog:

cut throat's journal

7:16 am - ITALIA!
hi britt, here's Luca...

Yesterday it was my birthday, but it wasn't a good day, my band's label finds always the worst moments to tell me bad news!
We had to tour in Germany on June but the german agency who had to book us didn't find enough places to play! it sucks...

so this is my proposal... i run a small HC fanzine called MELLIFE and i'd like to interview you to speak about your live journal... this is something we don't have in our HC scene and i found it so interesting... as i sad you in the other e mail, reading your thoughts, i found most of the feelings we have about music and life, but the difference is that you live where all the things come first. I mean, we had as friend rust here with strike anywhere on autumn (i've known Floyd from a.f.r and he seemed to be a good guy), we had hot water music and other cool bands, but we don't have a label as The NO IDEA! Maybe you're not interested in talinkg about bands or stuff like that, maybe you want only to speak about your life, but music and life seem to be so linked in your words...

this is the main idea for the interview... everyone should have his/her own 'zine...

so what do you think... are you intersted in it?
Let me know something ok? bye, ( and sorry for my poor english...) Luca

I love Luca, He's the funniest Italian kid ... ever. He think's I'm the coolest person in the states, solely based on the fact that I live in Gainesville. Silly kid. Anyway ... I want to go to Europe now. I seem to have more cool European friends, than I do American friends. Yay for people who don't speak English!

In other news, I'm looking MUTHA FUCKIN HAWT today. If you see me at school, slap my ass, because it's deserved on this occasion. I love days when I have self esteem, it's usually when I know I'm gonna get some vitamin D. Word.

current mood: silly
current music: i think i broke my CD player

Da qui, l' idea di un' intervista, la prima di altre che desidero effettuare in futuro. L' idea di fondo è mostrare come persone diverse, ma tuttavia coetanee intendono in modi assolutamente diversi la stessa cosa... questa dannata cosa che si chiama punk/hardcore.

Ecco la prima domanda di un' intervista mai terminata.

First of all, i'd like to ask you how did you discover HC, and when did you first felt involved in the scene?
(we always complain about the fact we don't have a scene, and, at the same time, we don't want to be part of is silly, isn' t it?)

I probably first discovered hardcore in about 1997, I was dating a guy who was a few years older than me and really into hardcore. He listened to it, so I was sort of forced into listening, but then I began liking it. I didn't really start listening to bands I liked or find bands on my own until about 2000, but since then it's been nothing but hardcore and metal! I had been involved in the local punk scene since about 1995.

I definitely complain about the scene alot. I don't like it, at all, but without it I would have never been where I am today. It's one of those neccesary evils.

(i've been on a power-violence kick lately)
- palatka
- pg 99
- most precious blood
- spazz
- dropkick murphys